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Contact the author at aziontz@yahoo.com to comment on the book.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Welcome to the Author's Blog

This blog was designed to allow readers of the book "A Lawyer in Indian Country - A Memoir" by Alvin J. Ziontz to post comments or ask questions of the author.


  1. As the author of a published book I am dismayed by the thought of e-books seducing book readers by their conveniency and electronic gimmickry. Those readers will miss the reading experience that authors have created for them. Scannning words on a screen cannot provide that experience; it is a faux substitute for a real book.

  2. Hi,

    After 30 years of working with Native Americans, why do you call them Indians? Is it for historical reference? How do you differentiate between people from India and people from here if both are called Indians?

    I'm very curious to read your response. I am a 28 year-old amateur historian and think that the most interesting parts of history aren't what was done, but how and why.

    Thank you!

  3. I asked Mr. Ziontz this very question. He worked closely with various northwestern tribes for 30 years, and the people always referred to themselves as Indians, not Native Americans. He is simply being respectful of the tribe members’ language.
